Saturday, March 16, 2013

Brand new Inspired Kids line of Mercer Mayer's Little Critter Books on the horizon: "It's True" and "You Go First"

Keeping you up to date on the latest Mercer Mayer news!

Amazon has listed a couple of brand new Little Critter books coming later this year from Thomas Nelson publication's new Inspired Kids line of books:

You Go First
ISBN 1400322448
PLOT INFO: "The first book in the new Inspired Kids line featuring the famous Little Critter! ... In You Go First, Litter Critter loves being first—even if it hurts his family and friends. After several missteps, Little Critter learns that the secret to getting along is treating others the way he wants to be treated—which, in Little Critter’s case, means letting someone else be first."

.... and ....

It's True!
ISBN 1400322472
PLOT INFO: "Join Little Critter as he learns why it’s important to tell the whole truth—and not just part of it.... Little Critter thinks that sometimes it’s easier to tell part of the truth instead of the whole truth. In this second book in the Inspired Kids line, Little Critter learns quickly that lying has consequences and that telling the truth, no matter how hard, is always the right thing to do.."

Cool thing:  The It's True! cover is currently Mercer Mayer's sketch-up for the cover (not the final cover).

As a parent, I am VERY excited about this new line of Inspired Kids books.  Not only are we getting new Little Critter books, we are getting ones with stronger lessons that will hopefully inspire young ones by using their favorite book character.

Another interesting note, Amazon currently lists these available as Board Books or Paperbacks.  So, you can get a lasting Board Book or a fun paperback.

Both books are due in October 2013.

YAY!  That's all... for the moment. 

Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the zipperump-a-zoos bite.